SAAB 9000. Instruction - page 43
2.16 Pass the lower spring seat over the 2.17a Pass the rubber gaiter over the piston 2.17b Rotate the gaiter to align the mark on
damper rod and fit it to the cup on the strut rod, and push it into position its lower edge (arrowed) with the strut
body lower mounting bracket
2.18 Press the dust cap onto the top of the
damper unit
corrosion; renew the spring if either are found.
Check the squareness by resting the spring
vertically on a flat surface, and placing an
engineer's square against it. A specific
tolerance is not quoted, but if the spring is
obviously distorted, renew it.
14 Prise off the dust cap, and inspect the
damper section for signs of fluid leakage,
particularly from the piston rod seal. Test the
action of the damper by pushing the piston
rod firmly through two or three full-length
strokes, then rapidly through several short
strokes. Smooth, consistent resistance should
be felt; if the action is at all uneven, weak or
unduly noisy, then the damper unit should be
renewed. Check the piston rod for signs of
corrosion or distortion and again, renew the
2.19 Fit the coil spring onto the lower
spring seat, rotating it to engage the end of
the coil with the step in the lower spring
seat (arrowed)
damper unit if its condition is unsatisfactory.
15 Examine the compression stop, rubber
gaiter and spring seats; renew those that are
damaged, worn or corroded. Note that a split
or perished gaiter will admit dirt into the
damper, and possibly cause it to fail.
16 Pass the lower spring seat over the
damper rod, and fit it to the cup on the strut
body (see illustration).
17 Pass the rubber gaiter over the piston rod,
and push it into position; the lower edge of the
gaiter must be 12 mm above the surface of the
lower spring seat cup. Rotate the gaiter to
align the mark on its lower edge with the strut
lower mounting bracket (see illustrations).
2.20 Fold the upper lip of the gaiter over
the top of the coil spring
18 Press the dust cap onto the top of the
damper unit (see illustration).
19 Contract the coil spring using the
compression tool. Fit it onto the lower spring
seat, rotating it to engage the end of the coil
with the step in the lower spring seat (see
illustration). Ensure that the compression is
sufficient to allow the top fixings to be
20 Fold the upper lip of the gaiter over the top
of the coil spring (see illustration).
21 Fit the compression stop over the piston
rod, and slide it into position (see illustration).
22 Refit the upper spring seat, aligning the
notch in its edge with the mark on the lower
edge of the gaiter and the strut lower
mounting bracket (see illustration).
2.21 Fit the compression stop over the
piston rod, and slide it into position
2.22 Refit the upper spring seat, aligning
the notch in its edge with the mark on the
lower edge of the gaiter and the strut lower
mounting bracket (arrowed)
2.23a Refit the top bearing plate . . ,
•4 Suspension and steering
Suspension and steering 10
2.23b . . . and fit the new damper rod nut
23 Refit the top bearing plate, and fit the new
damper rod nut (see illustrations). Using the
method described in "Removal", partially
tighten the retaining nut. Note: It is
recommended that the nut is tightened to the
final torque after the strut has been refitted to
the vehicle, as this is difficult to achieve with
the strut on the bench. Check that the
assembly marks are still aligned, before
removing the compression tool.
24 Lift the strut assembly into the wheelarch,
and insert the top through the mounting hole
in the inner wing (see illustration).
25 Align the three mounting holes at the top
of the strut with those on the inner wing,
2.27a Refit the strut lower mounting bolts,
then tighten them to the specified torque
2.24 Lift the strut assembly into the
making reference to the notes made during
removal. Insert the retaining bolts, but hand-
tighten them only at this stage (see
26 Using the method described in "Removal",
use a socket and hex Allen bit to tighten the
damper rod nut to the specified torque.
27 Align the mounting holes at the base of the
strut with those on the steering swivel
member, raising the jack as necessary, then
refit the retaining bolts. On vehicles with ABS,
remember to fit the wheel sensor cable
bracket to the upper of the two mounting
bolts. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque
(see illustrations).
28 Press the flexible brake hose into the clip
at the base of the strut body (see illustration).
29 Tighten the three strut upper mounting
bolts to the specified torque.
30 Refit the roadwheel and bolts, then lower
the vehicle to the ground. Tighten the
roadwheel bolts to the correct torque.
2.25 Align the three mounting holes at the
top of the strut with those on the inner
wing, making reference to the notes made
during removal. Insert the retaining bolts,
but hand-tighten them only at this stage
on axle stands and remove the roadwheel;
refer to "Jacking, towing and wheel changing"
for guidance.
3 Slacken and remove the three nuts that
secure the lower suspension arm to the
balljoint at the base of the steering swivel
4 Remove the nut that secures the anti-roll
bar link to the lower suspension arm, referring
to Section 4 for details. Recover the washers
and bushes.
5 Again referring to Section 4, slacken the nut
between the anti-roll bar link and anti-roll bar
just enough to allow movement between them;
do not remove the nut completely.
6 Pull the hub assembly away from the vehicle
slightly, then push down on the lower
suspension arm, and extract the anti-roll bar
link from it.
Caution: Do not deflect the
suspension arm more than is
necessary to remove the link, as
this may damage the mountings.
7 At the front mounting, remove the two nuts
from the bolts that secure the suspension arm
to the subframe (see illustration). Using a
narrow screwdriver, push the ends of the bolt
threads back into the subframe, to allow the
bearing bracket to clear the bolt threads.
8 At the rear mounting, remove the retaining
2.27b On vehicles with ABS, remember to
fit the wheel sensor cable bracket to the
upper of the two mounting bolts
2.28 Press the flexible brake hose into the
clip at the base of the strut body
3.7 At the front mounting, remove the two
nuts from the bolts that secure the
suspension arm to the subframe
1 Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the
handbrake, and chock the rear wheels. At the
relevant roadwheel, remove the wheel centre
cap, and slacken the wheel bolts.
2 Raise the front of the vehicle, rest it securely
4.3 Slacken and remove the bolts (arrowed)
at the U-clamps on the subframe, then
release the anti-roll bar
4.5 Remove the nut (arrowed) that secures
the anti-roll bar link rod to the suspension
4.6 Slacken the nut (arrowed) at the end of
the anti-roll bar to allow the link rod to
move freely
bolts and screws, then lower the
reinforcement plate away from the subframe.
10 Offer the suspension arm up to its
mounting position on the vehicle. Line up the
front bearing mounting bracket with the
mounting holes on the subframe, then from the
engine side of the subframe, push the
mounting bolts through the bracket holes. Refit
the nuts, but leave them loose at this stage.
11 At the rear mounting, line up the bearing
bracket with the mounting holes on the
subframe. Refit the reinforcement plate and
the retaining bolts and screws.
12 Securely tighten the front bearing retaining
nuts and reinforcement plate bolts and
13 Pull the hub assembly away from the
vehicle slightly, and engage the anti-roll bar
link with the mounting hole in the suspension
arm. Refit the bushes and washers, ensuring
that the convex sides of the washers face the
bush. Refit the retaining nut and tighten it to
the specified torque.
14 Tighten the nut that secures the anti-roll
bar to the link rod, observing the specified
torque figure.
15 Engage the three balljoint mounting bolts
with the holes in the end of the suspension
arm, fit new nuts and tighten them to the
specified torque.
16 Refit the roadwheel and bolts, then lower
the vehicle to the ground and tighten the bolts to
the correct torque. Refit the wheel centre cap.
17 Check and if necessary adjust the front
toe setting; refer to Section 23.
1 Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the
handbrake, and chock the rear wheels.
Remove the wheel centre caps and slacken
the wheel bolts.
2 Raise the front of the vehicle, rest it securely
on axle stands and remove the roadwheels;
refer to "Jacking, towing and wheel changing"
for guidance.
3 Slacken and remove the bolts at the U-
clamps on the subframe, then release the anti-
roll bar (see illustration).
4 Working on one side of the vehicle at a time,
remove the three nuts that secure the
suspension lower arm to the balljoint at the
base of the steering swivel member.
5 Remove the nut that secures the anti-roll
bar link rod to the suspension arm (see
illustration); recover the bushes and washers.
6 Slacken the nut at the end of the anti-roll
bar to allow the link rod to move freely (see
illustration), then push down on the
suspension arm and extract the link rod from
7 Repeat the above operations at the other
suspension arm.
8 Carefully withdraw the anti-roll bar from the
9 Inspect the rubber bushes at the subframe
U-clamps and at the anti-roll bar link mounting
for signs of wear or deterioration; renew
bushes that are perished, deformed or split.
10 Inspect the anti-roll bar itself for cracks,
particularly around the mounting points.
11 Manoeuvre the anti-roll bar into position
on the subframe.
12 Insert the anti-roll bar link into the
mounting hole in the suspension arm. Ensure
that the bushes and washers are correctly
arranged on the thread - the bushes fit either
side of the suspension arm, and the washers
fit outside of the bushes, convex side facing
the suspension arm.
13 Fit the retaining nuts and tighten them to
the specified torque.
14 Lift the suspension arm to engage the
balljoint bolts in their mounting holes. Fit new
retaining nuts, and tighten them to the
specified torque.
15 Repeat the above operations at the other
suspension arm.
16 Fit the anti-roll bar into the two U-clamps
on the subframe, and tighten the retaining bolts.
17 Refit the roadwheels and bolts, then lower
the vehicle and tighten the roadwheel bolts to
the specified torque. Refit the wheel centre
1 Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the
handbrake, and chock the rear wheels.
2 At the relevant roadwheel, remove the wheel
centre cap, then slacken the wheel bolts.
3 Slacken and remove the hub centre nut
(recover the thrustwasher, where fitted).
4 Raise the front of the vehicle, rest it securely
on axle stands and remove the roadwheel;
refer to "Jacking, towing and wheel changing"
for guidance.
5 Refer to the relevant Sections of Chapter 9
and remove the brake caliper, carrier and disc
from the steering swivel member. Do not
disconnect the caliper from the brake hose;
hang it inside the wheelarch from the coil
spring, using a cable-tie or wire, so that the
hose is not strained.
6 On vehicles with ABS, refer to Chapter 9
and disconnect the wheel sensor from the
steering swivel member. Tie it back using wire
or a cable-tie.
7 Referring to Section 22, detach the track
rod end balljoints from the steering swivel
member, using a balljoint splitter.
8 Slacken and remove the two bolts that
secure the bottom of the suspension strut to
the steering swivel member, referring to
Section 2 for details. On vehicles with ABS,
position the wheel sensor cable away from the
work area.
9 Remove the locking clip, then slacken and
completely withdraw the pinch-bolt from the
balljoint spigot at the underside of the steering
swivel member (see illustrations).
10 Separate the suspension lower arm from
the steering swivel member - if necessary,
refer to Section 4 unbolt the anti-roll bar link
rod from it, to allow a greater degree of
Suspension and steering
Suspension and steering 10•7
5.9a At the underside of the steering swivel
member, remove the locking clip then
5.9b . . . and completely withdraw the
pinch-bolt from the balljoint spigot
5.12 Support the driveshaft, and lift off the
steering swivel member
movement. Do not allow the arm to hang
unsupported, as this may damage the bush
bearings - position a jack underneath the arm
and raise it to provide support.
11 Push the splined section of the driveshaft
out of the hub. The driveshaft may be difficult
to extract, due to the locking compound
applied to the spines. If this is the case, refit
the old driveshaft nut to protect the threads,
then tap the end of the shaft with a soft-faced
mallet, to drive it out through the hub.
Alternatively, a suitable three-legged puller
may be used.
12 Support the driveshaft, and lift off the
steering swivel member (see illustration). To
avoid straining the CV joints, allow the
driveshaft to rest on the suspension lower
arm, or alternatively support it from the coil
spring using wire or a cable-tie.
13 Refer to Section 6 for details of the
inspection, removal and refitting of the hub
14 Use a suitable cleaning agent to remove
all traces of grease and locking compound
from the outboard driveshaft splines and
bearing contact surface.
15 Apply a smear of grease to the balljoint
spigot, then fit the steering swivel member
over it. Loosely refit the pinch-bolt and nut,
ensuring that it engages with the slot
machined in the spigot.
16 Apply thread-locking compound to the
outer 10 mm of the outboard driveshaft
splines (see illustration), then rotate the
steering swivel member to allow the outboard
driveshaft and CV joint to be inserted. Loosely
fit the new driveshaft flange nut (or nut and
thrustwasher, where applicable).
17 Refit the bolts that secure the bottom of
the suspension strut to the bracket on the top
of the steering swivel member, and tighten
them to the specified torque; refer to Section 2
for details.
18 On vehicles fitted with ABS, refit (and
where applicable, adjust) the wheel sensor;
refer to Chapter 9 for details.
19 Tighten the balljoint pinch-bolt to the
specified torque and refit the locking clip (see
20 Insert the track rod end into the mounting
hole in the steering swivel member, and
tighten the nut to the specified torque; refer to
Section 22 for details.
21 Refit the brake disc and caliper, referring
to Chapter 9 for guidance. Press the brake
hose into the clip on the strut body.
22 Refit the roadwheel, and partially tighten
the bolts.
23 Lower the vehicle to the ground, then
tighten the roadwheel bolts to the specified
24 Tighten the driveshaft nut to the specified
torque, referring to Chapter 8 for details, then
refit the wheel centre cap.
25 Allow at least an hour for the thread-
locking compound on the driveshaft to
harden, before bringing the vehicle back into
Note: The hub is a sealed, permanently-
lubricated unit, designed to last the life of the
vehicle without maintenance or servicing. The
bearings are not adjustable, and if wear is
discovered, the hub should be renewed as a
complete assembly. The hub and driveshaft
nuts should not be tightened beyond their
recommended torques in an attempt to adjust
the bearings.
1 Refer to Section 5 and remove the steering
swivel member.
2 Lay the assembly flat on a worksurface,
then with a scribe or marker pen, mark the
relationship between the hub and the steering
swivel member. Note that on earlier models,
the hub flange has a cut-out on its upper
surface to aid alignment.
3 Remove the four bolts that secure the hub
5.16 Apply thread-locking compound to the
outer 10 mm of the outboard driveshaft
5.19a Tighten the balljoint pinch-bolt to the
specified torque ...
5.19b ... and refit the locking clip