SAAB 9000. Instruction - page 4

Maintenance Schedule
Every 12 000 miles (20 000 km) or
12 months - whichever comes sooner
Check the crankcase ventilation system (Section 20)
Check all hoses (Section 21)
Check and if necessary adjust the coolant antifreeze
concentration (Section 11)
Check and if necessary adjust the auxiliary drivebelt
tension (Section 22)
Check the air conditioning refrigerant (Section 23)
Renew the ventilation air filter (Section 32) (after first
renewal, every 24 000 miles)
Check and if necessary top-up the power steering fluid
level (Section 13)
Check the exhaust system (Section 24)
Renew the spark plugs (leaded petrol models only)
(Section 25)
Check and if necessary top-up the manual transmission
oil level (Section 26)
Check and if necessary top-up the automatic
transmission fluid level (Section 27)
Check the driveshaft rubber gaiters (Section 28)
Check the front and rear brake pads and discs (Sec-
tion 29)
Check all brake lines and flexible hoses (Section 30)
Check the suspension and shock absorbers (Section 31)
Visually check the airbag system (Section 15)
Lubricate all hinges and locks (Section 16)
Check the seat belts for operation and damage (Sec-
tion 14)
Clean the battery terminals (Section 17)
Check the headlight and foglight beam alignment
(Section 18)
Road test (Section 19)
Every 24 000 miles (40 000 km) or
2 years - whichever comes sooner
In addition to all the items listed in the previous Section, carry out
the following:
Renew the air cleaner filter element (Section 33)
Renew the spark plugs (unleaded petrol models only)
(Section 25)
Change the automatic transmission fluid and filter
(Section 34)
Check and if necessary adjust the front wheel alignment
(Section 12)
Every 48 000 miles (80 000 km) or
3 years - whichever comes sooner
Renew the coolant/antifreeze (Section 35)
Every 96 000 miles (160 000 km)
Renew the fuel filter (Section 36)
Every 2 years (regardless of mileage)
Renew the brake fluid (Section 37)
Lubricants and fluids
H 28567
Component or system
1 Engine
2 Cooling system
3 Manual transmission
4 Automatic transmission
5 Driveshaft CV joints
Lubricant type/specification
Multigrade engine oil, viscosity SAE
10W/30, 10W/40, 5W/30 or 5W/40, to
Ethylene glycol-based antifreeze
(synthetic oil not to be used)
Dexron type II ATF
Outer driveshaft: Molycote VN 2461C
Inner driveshaft: Mobil grease GS 57C
6 Brake and clutch hydraulic systems
Hydraulic fluid to DOT 4
7 Hub/wheel bearings
8 Steering rack
9 Power steering
10 Washer fluid reservoir
*5W grade oils should be synthetic or semi-synthetic
Multi-purpose lithium-based grease
Multi-purpose lithium-based grease
Saab or GM power steering fluid

Maintenance Schedule
Engine oil
Including filter:
B202 engine 4.2 litres
B234 engine (up to 1993) 4.3 litres
B204 and B234 engines (1994 onwards) 5.5 litres
Difference between MAX and MIN dipstick marks 1.0 litre
Cooling system
All engines 9.0 litres (approximate)
Manual transmission
Up to 1993 2.5 litres
1994 onwards . . 1.8 litres
Automatic transmission
Including torque converter and fluid cooler:
2.0 litre models 8.2 litres (approximate)
2.3 litre models 8.7 litres (approximate)
Service fluid change 3.0 to 3.5 litres
Fuel tank
1985 to 1989 models 68 litres (15 gallons)
1990 and 1992-on models 66 litres (14.5 gallons)
1991 models 62 litres (13.6 gallons)
Power steering
All models . . 0.75 litre
Underbonnet view of the engine
compartment (1994 Saab 9000 CSE)
1 Front suspension top mounting
2 Top engine mounting
3 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor
4 Inlet manifold (double section)
5 Engine oil filler cap and dipstick
(com bined)
6 Throttle lever
7 Throttle housing
8 ABS fuse and relay box
9 Brake fluid reservoir
11 Battery
12 Auxiliary fuse and relay box
13 Left-hand front crash sensor
14 Air cleaner cover and housing
15 Top hose
16 Radiator
17 Electric cooling fan
18 Exhaust manifold
19 Air conditioning compressor
20 Washer fluid reservoir
21 Coo/ant expansion tank
22 Power steering fluid reservoir
Front underbody view
(1994 Saab 9000 CSE)
Oil filter
2 Exhaust downpipe
3 Manual transmission
4 Air inlet ducting assembly
5 Front brake caliper
6 Front suspension lower arm
7 Steering track rod
8 Catalytic converter
9 Driveshaft intermediate tube
10 Engine mounting
11 Fuel feed and return lines
12 Brake hydraulic pipes
13 Engine oil drain plug

Maintenance Procedures
Rear underbody view
(1994 Saab 9000 CSE)
1 Rear suspension torque arm
2 Rear silencer
3 Rear anti-roll bar
4 Rear axle tube
5 Panhard rod
6 Rear brake caliper
7 Rear shock absorber
8 Rear coil spring
9 Rear suspension lower arm
10 Fuel filter
11 Handbrake cable
12 Fuel tank
13 Intermediate silencer
Maintenance procedures
1 General information
1 This Chapter is designed to help the home
mechanic maintain his/her vehicle for safety,
economy, long life and peak performance.
2 The Chapter contains a master maintenance
schedule, followed by Sections dealing
specifically with each task in the schedule.
Visual checks, adjustments, component
renewal and other helpful items are included.
Refer to the accompanying illustrations of the
engine compartment and the underside of the
vehicle for the locations of the various
3 Servicing your vehicle in accordance with
the mileage/time maintenance schedule and
the following Sections will provide a planned
maintenance programme, which should result
in a long and reliable service life. This is a
comprehensive plan, so maintaining some
items but not others at the specified service
intervals, will not produce the same results.
4 As you service your vehicle, you will
discover that many of the procedures can -
and should - be grouped together, because of
the particular procedure being performed, or
because of the close proximity of two
otherwise-unrelated components to one
another. For example, if the vehicle is raised
for any reason, the exhaust can be inspected
at the same time as the suspension and
steering components.
5 The first step in this maintenance
programme is to prepare yourself before the
actual work begins. Read through all the
Sections relevant to the work to be carried out,
then make a list and gather together all the
parts and tools required. If a problem is
encountered, seek advice from a parts
specialist, or a dealer service department.
2 Intensive maintenance
1 If, from the time the vehicle is new, the
routine maintenance schedule is followed
closely, and frequent checks are made of fluid
levels and high-wear items, as suggested
throughout this manual, the engine will be kept
in relatively good running condition, and the
need for additional work will be minimised.
2 It is possible that there will be times when
the engine is running poorly due to the lack of
regular maintenance. This is even more likely if
a used vehicle, which has not received regular
and frequent maintenance checks, is
purchased. In such cases, additional work
may need to be carried out, outside of the
regular maintenance intervals.
3 If engine wear is suspected, a compression
test (refer to the relevant Part of Chapter 2) will
provide valuable information regarding the
overall performance of the main internal
components. Such a test can be used as a
basis to decide on the extent of the work to be
carried out. If, for example, a compression test
indicates serious internal engine wear,
conventional maintenance as described in this
Chapter will not greatly improve the
performance of the engine, and may prove a
waste of time and money, unless extensive
overhaul work (Chapter 2B) is carried out first.
4 The following series of operations are those
most often required to improve the
performance of a generally poor-running
Primary operations
a) Clean, inspect and test the battery
(Section 8)
b) Check all the engine-related fluids
(Section 3).
c) Check the condition and tension of the
auxiliary drivebelt (Section 22).
d) Renew the spark plugs (Section 25).
e) Inspect the distributor cap, rotor arm and
HT leads - as applicable (Chapter 5B).
f) Check the condition of the air cleaner filter
element, and renew if necessary (Section
g) Renew the fuel filter (Section 36).
h) Check the condition of all hoses, and
check for fluid leaks (Section 21).
i) Check the idle speed and mixture settings
- as applicable (Chapter 4A).
5 If the above operations do not prove fully
effective, carry out the following secondary
Secondary operations
a) Check the charging system (Chapter 5A).
b) Check the ignition system (Chapter 5B).
c) Check the fuel system (Chapter 4).
d) Renew the distributor cap and rotor arm -
as applicable (Chapter 5B).
f) Renew the ignition HT leads - as
applicable (Chapter 5B).

Weekly Checks 1•5
3.3a Removing the engine oil filler cap
Weekly checks
Engine oil
1 The engine oil level is checked with a
dipstick that extends through the dipstick/oil
filler tube on the rear of the cylinder block and
into the sump at the bottom of the engine.
Depress and turn the cap anti-clockwise to
remove it. The dipstick is attached to the cap.
2 The oil level should be checked with the
vehicle standing on level ground with the
engine still warm, between 2 and 5 minutes
after the engine has been switched off.
3 Release the oil filler cap and withdraw the
dipstick from the tube, then wipe all the oil
from the end with a clean rag or paper towel.
Insert the clean dipstick back into the tube as
far as it will go, then withdraw it once more,
Note the oil level on the end of the dipstick.
Add oil as necessary until the level is on the
upper ("MAX") mark on the dipstick (see
illustrations). Note that 1.0 litre of oil will be
required to raise the level from the lower
MIN") mark to the upper mark.
4 Always maintain the level between the two
dipstick marks. If the level is allowed to fall
below the lower mark, oil starvation may result,
which could lead to severe engine damage. If
the engine is overfilled by adding too much oil,
this may result in oil leaks or oil seal failures.
3.3b Markings on the engine oil level
5 Oil is added via the dipstick/filler cap on the
rear of the engine, behind the inlet manifold.
Remove the filler cap and dipstick completely
before topping-up the oil level. Always use the
correct grade and type of oil as shown in
"Lubricants, fluids and capacities".
Warning: DO NOT attempt to
remove the expansion tank
, pressure cap when the engine is
hot, as there is a very great risk of
6 All vehicles covered by this manual have a
pressurised cooling system. An expansion
tank is incorporated in cooling system, and is
located on the right-hand side of the engine
compartment. As engine temperature
increases, the coolant expands, and the level
in the expansion tank rises. As the engine
cools, the coolant level drops. Circulation of
coolant through the expansion tank occurs at
all times that the engine is running, and in this
way, any accumulation of air in any part of the
engine is purged continually.
7 The coolant level in the expansion tank should
be checked regularly. The level in the tank varies
with the temperature of the engine. When the
engine is cold, the coolant level should be on or
slightly below the "MAX" mark on the side of the
tank. When the engine is hot, the level may rise
slightly above the "MAX" mark.
8 If topping-up is necessary, wait until the
engine is cold, then unscrew the pressure cap on
3.3c Topping-up the engine oil level
the expansion tank one or two turns. Wait until
any pressure remaining in the system is released,
then fully unscrew the cap and remove it.
9 Add a mixture of water and antifreeze (see
Section 35) through the expansion tank filler
neck until the coolant is on the "MAX" mark on
the side of the tank (see illustrations). Refit
the cap, and tighten it clockwise as far as it
will go to secure.
10 With a sealed type cooling system like
this, the addition of coolant should only be
necessary at very infrequent intervals. If
frequent topping-up is required, it is likely
there is a leak in the system. Check the
radiator, all hoses and joint faces for any sign
of staining or actual wetness, and rectify as
necessary. If no leaks can be found, it is
advisable to have the pressure cap and the
entire system pressure-tested by a dealer or
suitably-equipped garage, as this will often
show up a small leak not previously apparent.
Brake and clutch fluid
1 The brake and clutch fluid reservoir is
mounted on the left-hand side of the engine
compartment, behind the battery. The "MAX"
and "MIN" marks are indicated on the side of the
reservoir (see illustrations), and the fluid level
3.9a Topping-up the coolant level in the
expansion tank
3.9b "MIN" and "MAX" marks on the side of
the coolant expansion tank
4.1 a "MIN" and "MAX" marks on the side of
the brake/clutch fluid reservoir (early