Citroen Berlingo First (2012 year). Instruction - part 5

1. Load-space cover
To install it:
position the front ends of the load
space cover on its support and
press gently to put it in place,
unfold the load space cover fully,
position the rear ends of the load
space cover on its support and
press gently to put it in place.
To remove it:
unclip the rear ends,
fold the load space cover fully,
- unclip the front ends and remove
the load space cover.
To store it, fold it like an accordion.
Do not roll it .
2. High load retaining net
The high load retaining net can be fi t-
ted behind the front or rear seats.
Open the covers A of the correspond-
ing upper fastenings.
Fit the ends of the metal bar in these
Secure the two net strap hooks be-
hind the front seats, with the rear
seat folded, or in the stowing rings B
on the fl oor.
The rings are located directly below
the corresponding upper fastenings.
Pull the two straps C taut.
3. Stowing rings
4. Side door storage
5. Containers between the front
and rear seats
6. Seat back storage pockets

64 -
Illumination of this warning
light and of the STOP warn-
ing light, accompanied by
an audible signal (while the
vehicle is moving), indicates that the
handbrake is still applied or has not
been released fully.
The ABS, in conjunction with the
electronic brake force distribution,
increases the stability and manoeu-
vrability of your vehicle on braking,
in particular on poor or slippery road
Note: when changing wheels (tyres
and rims), make sure that these are
The anti-lock braking system comes
into operation automatically when
there is a risk of wheel lock.
When this warning light comes
on, connected to the
ABS warning lights, it
indicates that there is a mal-
function of the electronic brake force
distribution, which can cause a loss of
control of the vehicle when braking.
Stop immediately.
In both cases, consult a CITROËN
When this warning light
comes on, accompanied by a
buzzer, it indicates that there
is a malfunction of the ABS,
which can cause a loss of control of
the vehicle when braking.
Normal operation of the ABS may
make itself felt by slight vibrations
of the brake pedal.
In emergency braking, press
very fi rmly without releasing the
Pull the handle and press the button
to release the handbrake.
When parking, pull the handbrake to
immobilise your vehicle.

The status of the function is displayed
on the instrument panel in accordance
with the following sequences:
Function selected,
displaying of the "Speed
Limiter" symbol.
Function deactivated,
last programmed speed - OFF
(example at 66 mph
(107 km/h)).
Function activated
(example at 66 mph (107 km/h)).
Vehicle speed above
66 mph (107 km/h),
the programmed speed is
displayed fl ashing.
Operating fault detected,
OFF - the dashes fl ash.
Selecting the function
) Place the dial in the LIMIT position.
The limiter is selected but is not yet
active. The display indicates dash-
es or the last programmed speed.
Programming a speed
A speed can be programmed without
activating the limiter but with the en-
gine running.
) A brief or extended press of the
SET - button decreases the
) A brief or extended press of the
SET + button increases the speed.
Activation/deactivation (off)
When you have programmed your
speed, pressing this button once acti-
vates the limiter and the programmed
speed is displayed, pressing the button
again deactivates it (OFF).
The operating actions must be carried
out when stationary, with the engine
running, or with the vehicle moving.
* According to version.

66 -
Exceeding the programmed
Pressing the accelerator pedal in or-
der to exceed the programmed speed
will have no effect unless you press
the pedal fi rmly beyond the point of
resistance .
The limiter is deactivated temporarily
and the programmed speed which is
still displayed fl ashes.
Flashing of the speed
The speed fl ashes:
following forcing of the accelerator
point of resistance,
- when the limiter cannot prevent
an increase in the vehicle speed
due to the profi le of the road or on
a steep descent,
in the event of sharp acceleration.
In any event, the speed limiter can-
not replace the need to observe
speed limits, nor can it replace the
need for vigilance and responsibil-
ity on the part of the driver.
The driver must always pay attention
to the profi le of the road, take care
on sharp acceleration and remain in
perfect control of his vehicle.
To prevent the mat from becoming
trapped under the pedals:
ensure that the mat and its fi xings
are positioned correctly,
never fi t one mat on top of another.
Switching the function off
) Place dial in position 0 or switch
off the ignition to switch the sys-
tem off. The last programmed
speed remains in the memory.
Operating fault
In the event of a limiter malfunction,
a message is displayed on the multi-
function display accompanied by an
audible signal.
The programmed speed is cleared and
the dashes fl ash for a few seconds.
Contact a CITROËN dealer to have
the system checked.
To return to the limiter function, re-
duce your speed to the programmed
speed or below.

The status of the function is displayed
on the instrument panel in accordance
with the following sequences:
Function selected,
displaying of the "Cruise
Control" symbol.
Function deactivated,
OFF (example at 66 mph
(107 km/h)).
Function activated
(example at 66 mph (107 km/h)).
Vehicle speed above
(e.g. 73 mph (118 km/h)),
the programmed speed is
displayed fl ashing.
Operating fault detected,
OFF - the dashes fl ash.
Selecting the function
) Place the switch in the CRUISE
position. The cruise control is se-
lected but is not yet active and no
speed has been programmed.
First activation/programming a
) Reach the chosen speed by
pressing the accelerator.
) Press the SET - or SET + button.
This programmes the reference
speed and the vehicle will maintain
this speed.
Temporary exceeding of the
It is possible to accelerate and drive
momentarily at a speed greater than
the programmed speed. The value
programmed fl ashes.
When the accelerator pedal is re-
leased, the vehicle will return to the
programmed speed.
The cruise control has a display on
the instrument panel to indicate the
programmed reference speed.
The cruise control maintains a con-
stant vehicle speed programmed by
the driver.
In order for it to be programmed or
activated, the vehicle speed must be
greater than 25 mph (40 km/h) with
at least fourth gear engaged.
If the vehicle is fi tted with a speed limiter
and cruise control, these functions can-
not be activated at the same time.
* According to version.

68 -
When changing the pro-
grammed reference speed
by means of a maintained
press, pay attention as the
speed can increase or de-
crease rapidly.
Do not use the cruise control on slip-
pery roads or in heavy traffi c.
In the event of a steep slope, the
cruise control cannot prevent the
vehicle from exceeding the pro-
grammed speed.
In any event, the cruise control can-
not replace the need to observe the
speed limits, nor can it replace the
need for vigilance and responsibility
on the part of the driver.
It is advisable to leave your feet near
the pedals.
To prevent the mat from becoming
trapped under the pedals:
ensure that the mat and its fi xings
are positioned correctly,
never fi t one mat on top of another.
Deactivation (off)
) Press this button or the brake or
clutch pedal.
Changing the programmed
reference speed
When the speed is displayed:
) press
SET + button to increase it.
) press the SET - button to decrease it.
) Following deactivation of the
cruise control, press this button.
Your vehicle will return to the last
programmed speed.
Alternatively, you can repeat the "fi rst
activation" procedure.
Switching the function off
) Place the dial in position
0 or
switch off the ignition to switch
everything off.
Operating fault
In the event of a cruise control mal-
function, a message is displayed on
the multifunction display accompanied
by an audible signal.
The programmed speed is cleared and
the dashes fl ash for a few seconds.
Contact a CITROËN dealer to have
the system checked.
Cancelling the programmed
reference speed
When the vehicle becomes station-
ary, after switching off the ignition,
the system no longer memorises a

These are folded in the centre of the
steering wheel for the driver and in
the fascia for the front passenger.
They are deployed simultaneously,
except in cases where the passen-
ger airbag is disarmed, in the event
of a serious front impact applied in
the impact zone A in the longitudinal
centreline of the vehicle, on a hori-
zontal plane and from the front of the
vehicle towards the rear. The airbag
infl ates between the front occupant of
the vehicle and the fascia to cushion
his forward movement. The airbags
therefore limit the risk of injury to the
head and chest.
The airbags have been designed to
maximise the safety of the occupants
in the event of serious collisions. They
work in conjunction with the force-lim-
iting seat belts. The electronic detec-
tors register and analyse any abrupt
deceleration of the vehicle in the im-
pact detection zones (see diagram):
if the triggering threshold is reached,
the airbags infl ate instantly and pro-
tect the occupants of the vehicle.
Impact detection zones
A. Front impact zone.
B. Side impact zone.
Immediately after the impact, the
airbags defl ate rapidly so that they
do not hinder the visibility of the oc-
cupants nor their exit if necessary
from the vehicle.
The airbags are not deployed in the
case of minor impacts, rear impacts
or in certain roll-over conditions. The
seat belt is suffi cient to ensure maxi-
mum protection in these situations.
The seriousness of a collision de-
pends on the nature of the obstacle
and the speed of the vehicle at the
moment of the collision.
Airbags only operate when the
ignition is switched on.
Note : the gas escaping from
the airbags can be a minor

70 -
If this warning light comes on,
accompanied by an audible
signal, contact a CITROËN
dealer to have the system
checked. The airbags may
no longer be triggered in the event of
a serious impact.
Front airbag malfunction
Disarming the passenger
To ensure the safety of your child,
it is essential to disarm the pas-
senger airbag when you install a
rear-facing child seat on the front
passenger seat. Otherwise, the
child would risk being killed or se-
riously injured if the airbag were
to infl ate.
) With the ignition switched off ,
insert the key into the passenger
airbag disarming switch 1 , turn it
to the
"OFF" position, then re-
move the key keeping the slot in
this position.
The airbag warning light on
the instrument panel is lit
throughout the period of dis-
In the
"OFF" position, the passen-
ger airbag will not be triggered in the
event of an impact.
As soon as the child seat is removed,
turn the airbag slot to the "ON" posi-
tion to re-activate the airbag and thus
ensure the safety of your passenger
in the event of an impact.
This is confi rmed by an indi-
cator light, accompanied by
a message on the display.
With the ignition on
notch), illumination of this
warning light indicates that the pas-
senger airbag is disarmed (switch in
the "OFF" position).
If the two airbag warning
lights are lit continuously, do
not install a rear-facing child
seat. Consult a CITROËN
Disarming check

If this warning light comes on,
accompanied by an audible
signal, contact a CITROËN
dealer to have the system
checked. The airbags may
no longer be triggered in the event of
a serious impact.
Airbags malfunction
For the front and lateral
airbags to be fully effec-
tive, observe the following
safety rules:
● Wear a correctly adjusted seat belt.
● Sit in a normal upright position.
● Do not leave anything between
the occupants and the airbags
(child, animal, object, ...).
This could hamper the operation
of the airbags or injure the occu-
● All work on the airbag systems
is strictly prohibited unless it is
carried out by trained staff of the
CITROËN network.
● After an accident or if the ve-
hicle has been stolen or broken
into, have the airbag systems
Front airbags
● Do not drive holding the steer-
ing wheel by its spokes or resting
your hands on the centre part of
the wheel.
● Passengers must not place their
feet on the dashboard.
● Smoke as little as possible; de-
ployment of the airbags can
cause burns or the risk of injury
from a cigarette or pipe.
● Never remove or pierce the steering
wheel or hit it violently.
Lateral airbags *
● Only put approved covers on the
front seats. Consult a CITROËN
● Do
fi x or attach anything to
the front seat backs. This could
cause injury to the chest or arms
when the lateral airbag infl ates.
● Do not sit with the upper part of
the body any nearer to the door
than necessary.
The side airbags are incorporated
into the front seat backs on the door
The triggering of these airbags re-
quires a serious side impact applied
in the side impact zone B , perpen-
dicular to the longitudinal centreline
of the vehicle, on a horizontal plane
and from the outside of the vehicle
towards the inside. The side airbag
infl ates between the front occupant
of the vehicle and the door trim pad.
It therefore limits the risk of injury to
the chest.
* According to version.

72 -
1. Power steering reservoir
2. Windscreen and headlamp wash
3. Coolant reservoir
4. Brake fl uid reservoir
5. Battery
6. Air fi lter
7. Dipstick
8. Engine oil reservoir

1. Power steering reservoir
2. Windscreen and headlamp wash
3. Coolant reservoir
4. Brake fl uid reservoir
5. Battery
6. Air fi lter
7. Dipstick
8. Engine oil reservoir

74 -
1. Power steering reservoir
2. Windscreen and headlamp wash
3. Coolant reservoir
4. Brake fl uid reservoir
5. Battery
6. Air fi lter
7. Dipstick
8. Engine oil reservoir

1. Power steering reservoir.
2. Windscreen/headlamp wash
3. Coolant reservoir.
4. Brake fl uid reservoir.
5. Battery.
6. Air fi lter.
7. Dipstick.
8. Engine oil reservoir.
9. Priming pump.

Partners in performance and
protecting the environment
Innovation in the search for
For over 40 year, the TOTAL Research
and Development departments have
developed for CITROËN, lubricants to
match the latest technical innovations on
CITROËN vehicles, both for competition
and for everyday motoring.
For you, this is an assurance that you will
obtain of the best performance for your en-
Optimum protection for your
By having your CITROËN vehicle
serviced with TOTAL lubricants,
you are contributing towards
improving the life and perform-
ances of your engine, while also
protecting the environment.

Oil change
According to the information given in
the servicing booklet.
Viscosity selection
In all cases, the oil selected must
meet the manufacturer's require-
Note: the coolant does not need to
be changed.
For vehicles equipped with a par-
ticle fi lter, the engine fan may op-
erate after the ignition has been
switched off, even when the engine
is cold.
There are two marks
on the dipstick:
A = maximum
Never fi ll past this
B = minimum
To maintain the reli-
ability of engines and
emission control sys-
tems, the use of ad-
ditives in engine oil is
Brake fluid level
The brake fl uid must be changed ac-
cording to the manufacturer's servic-
ing schedule.
Use fl
uids recommended by the
manufacturer, which fulfi l DOT4
Cooling system
Use the fl uid recommended by the
When the engine is warm, the tem-
perature of the coolant is controlled
by the engine fan. As this fan can op-
erate with the ignition key removed
and because the cooling system is
pressurised, wait for at least one hour
after the engine has stopped before
carrying out any work.
Slacken the cap by two turns to re-
lease the pressure to prevent any
risk of scalding. When the pressure
has dropped, remove the cap and
top up the level.
Power steering reservoir
) Open the reservoir, with the en-
gine at ambient temperature. The
level should always be above the
MIN. mark and close to the MAX.
Windscreen and headlamp
wash level
For best quality cleaning and for
your safety, we would advise that
you use products recommended by
For optimum cleaning and to prevent
freezing, this fl uid must not be topped
up or replaced with water.
Used products
Avoid products such as used oil and
brake fl uid coming into prolonged
contact with the skin.
Do not dispose of used oil, brake fl uid or
coolant into drains or onto the ground.
Empty used oil into the containers pro-
vided for this purpose in the CITROËN
dealer network (France) or to an author-
ised waste disposal site.
Oil level
It is normal to top up the engine oil
between services. CITROËN rec-
ommends that you check the oil
level, and top up if necessary, every
3 000 miles (5 000 kilometres).
Check the level with the vehicle level,
engine cold, using the oil level gauge
on the instrument panel or the dip-
78 -
Oil filter
Change the fi lter regularly, in accord-
ance with the servicing schedule.
Only use products recom-
mended by CITROËN or
products of equivalent quality
and specifi cations.
To ensure best performance from
components as important as the
power steering and the braking sys-
tem, CITROËN selects and offers
quite specifi c products.
To prevent damage to the electrical
units, avoid washing the engine.
If you should run out of fuel, it is nec-
essary to re-prime the circuit:
fi ll the fuel tank with at least fi ve litres
of diesel,
- squeeze and release the manual
re-priming pump, under the bonnet
under the protective cover, until fuel
appears in the transparent pipe,
- operate the starter until the engine
In a serious collision, a mechanism prevents
fuel from reaching the engine.
To re-establish the fuel supply, press
the switch on the corner of the front
right-hand suspension assembly, under
the bonnet.
Air filter and passenger
compartment filter
Have the fi lter elements replaced regu-
larly. If you drive in dusty conditions,
change them twice as often.
Brake pads
Brake pad wear depends on the style
of driving, in particular for vehicles
which are used in town, over short
It may be necessary to check the
thickness of the pads, even between
Disc and drum wear status
For any information relating to check-
ing the disc and drum wear status,
contact a CITROËN dealer.
Manual gearbox
This does not require an oil change.
Check the level in accordance with the
manufacturer's servicing schedule.
To check the main levels and cer-
tain components, in accordance
with the manufacturer's servicing
schedule, refer to the pages of
the servicing booklet which corre-
spond to your vehicle's engine.
Where the handbrake travel is too
great or there is a reduction in the
performance of the system, the
handbrake should be adjusted, even
between services.
Have the system checked by a
CITROËN dealer.
At the start of winter, have your battery
checked by a CITROËN dealer.