Citroen Berlingo First (2012 year). Instruction - part 2

Stowing rings
For greater safety, always en-
sure that the loads transported
are secured fi rmly.
1. Load space cover.
2. High load retaining net.
3. Stowing rings.
4. Side door storage compartment.
5. Trays between the front and rear
6. Seat back storage pockets.

16 -
This operation must be carried out
with the engine switched off .
) Insert the key then turn it to the
) Remove the fi ller cap.
A label indicates which type of fuel to use.
When you fi ll your tank, do not con-
tinue after the third cut-off of the
pump. This could cause engine mal-
The capacity of the tank is approx-
imately 55 litres for petrol engines
and 60 litres for Diesel engines.
From the time this light comes on,
you have enough fuel left to cover
approximately 30 miles (50 km) .
Note: the right-hand sliding side door
cannot be opened while the fuel fi ller
cap is removed.
Outside the vehicle: Lift the safety
catch, raise the bonnet and secure
the stay to hold the bonnet open.
Inside the vehicle: Pull the lever on
the left-hand side, under the dash-
Low fuel level
warning lamp
Eco-driving is a range of everyday practices that allow the motorist to optimise their fuel consumption and CO
Optimise the use of your
With a manual gearbox, move off
gently, change up without waiting
and drive by changing up quite soon.
If your vehicle has the system, the
gear effi ciency indicator invites you to
change up; it is displayed in the instru-
ment panel, follow its instructions.
With an automatic or electronic gear-
box, stay in Drive "D" or Auto "A" ,
according to the type of gearbox,
without pressing the accelerator pedal
heavily or suddenly.
Drive smoothly
Maintain a safe distance between ve-
hicles, use engine braking rather than
the brake pedal, and press the accel-
erator progressively. These practices
contribute towards a reduction in fuel
consumption and CO
emissions and
also helps reduce the background
traffi c noise.
If your vehicle has cruise control,
make use of the system at speeds
above 25 mph (40 km/h) when the
traffi c is fl owing well.
Control the use of your
electrical equipment
Before moving off, if the passenger
compartment is too warm, ventilate it
by opening the windows and air vents
before using the air conditioning.
Above 30 mph (50 km/h), close the
windows and leave the air vents
Remember to make use of equipment
that can help keep the temperature
in the passenger compartment down
(sunroof and window blinds...).
Switch off the air conditioning, unless it
has automatic digital regulation, as soon
as the desired temperature is attained.
Switch off the demisting and defrosting
controls, if not automatic.
Switch off the heated seat as soon as
Switch off the headlamps and front
foglamps when the level of light does
not require their use.
Avoid running the engine before moving
off, particularly in winter; your vehicle will
warm up much faster while driving.
As a passenger, if you avoid con-
necting your multimedia devices
(fi lm, music, video game...), you will
contribute towards limiting the con-
sumption of electrical energy, and so
of fuel.
Disconnect your portable devices be-
fore leaving the vehicle.
18 -
Limit the causes of excess
Spread loads throughout the vehicle;
place the heaviest items in the bot-
tom of the boot, as close as possible
to the rear seats.
Limit the loads carried in the vehicle
and reduce wind resistance (roof bars,
roof rack, bicycle carrier, trailer...). Use
a roof box in preference.
Remove roof bars and roof racks after
At the end of winter, remove snow
tyres and refi t your summer tyres.
Observe the recommendations
on maintenance
Check the tyre pressures regularly,
when cold, referring to the label in the
door aperture, driver's side.
Carry out this check in particular:
before a long journey,
at each change of season,
after a long period out of use.
Don't forget the spare wheel and the
tyres on any trailer or caravan.
Have your vehicle serviced regularly
(engine oil, oil fi lter, air fi lter...) and
observe the schedule of operations
recommended by the manufacturer.
When refuelling, do not continue after
the 3 rd cut-off of the nozzle to avoid
any overfl ow.
At the wheel of your new vehicle,
it is only after the fi rst 1 800 miles
(3 000 kilometres) that you will see
the fuel consumption settle down to
a consistent average.

20 -
1. Seat belt not fastened warning
2. Passenger's airbag deactivated
warning lamp
3. Front and lateral airbags warning
4. Front foglamps warning lamp
5. Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
warning lamp
6. Rear foglamp warning lamp
7. Diesel pre-heater warning lamp
8. Left hand direction indicator
9. Total distance recorder, service
indicator and engine oil level
10. Right hand direction indicator
11. Emission control system warning
12. Main beam headlamps warning
13. Parking brake, low brake fl uid
level and electronic brake force
distribution fault warning lamp
14. Dipped beam headlamps
warning lamp
15. Battery charge warning lamp
16. Engine oil pressure and
temperature warning lamp
17. Water in Diesel fi lter warning
18. Low coolant level warning lamp
19. Coolant temperature indicator
20. Total distance recorder button
21. Central (STOP) warning lamp
22. Speedometer *
23. Rev counter
24. Lighting dimmer button
25. Fuel gauge
26. Low fuel level warning lamp
27. Speed limiter/cruise control
* Version indicating in miles or kilo-
metres according to country of sale.

A warning lamp on fi xed or fl ash-
ing, with the engine running, in-
dicates an fault in the operation
of the unit concerned. The illumi-
nation of certain warning lamps
may be accompanied by an audi-
ble signal and a message in the
screen. Do not ignore this warn-
ing: consult a CITROËN dealer as
soon as possible.
If the central STOP warning lamp
comes on when you are driving,
stop your vehicle immediately,
where it is safe to do so.
Central (STOP)
warning lamp
Engine oil pressure
and temperature
warning lamp
Linked to the central (STOP) warning
You must stop.
This warning lamp indicates one of
the following:
- low oil pressure indicated by the
message "Oil pressure insuffi -
cient" in the screen.
- low engine oil level. Top up the
oil temperature too high. To lower
the oil temperature, reduce your
Illumination of the warning lamp is
accompanied by an audible signal.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Low engine coolant
level warning lamp
Linked to the central (STOP) warn-
ing lamp.
This comes on for a few seconds
when the ignition is switched on.
Illumination of this warning lamp is
accompanied by an audible signal
and the message
"Top up engine
fl uid level" in the screen.
You must stop as soon as it is safe
to do so.
Wait for the engine to cool before
topping up the level.
The cooling system is pressurised.
Parking brake, low
brake fluid level and
Electronic Brake Force
Distribution system
fault warning lamp
Linked to the central (STOP) warning
This comes on each time the ignition
is switched on.
Illumination of this warning lamp is
accompanied by an audible signal
and a message in the screen indicat-
ing the cause of the warning:
"Handbrake on", if the parking
brake is applied or not fully re-
"Brake fl uid level low" if there is
an excessive drop in brake fl uid
level (if the warning lamp remains
on even when the parking brake
is released).
"Braking fault" is displayed to-
gether with the ABS warning
lamp, indicating a fault with the
Electronic Brake Force Distribu-
tion system. You must stop as
soon as it is safe to do so.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
If a check is required, to prevent any
risk of burns unscrew the cap by
two turns to allow the pressure to drop.
When the pressure has dropped, re-
move the cap and top up the level.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Linked to the warning lamps for:
- ''engine oil pressure and temper-
"low coolant level'',
- "parking
- ''low
fl uid level'',
''electronic brake force distribution
system fault''.
Linked with the "coolant temperature"
You must stop if the lamp fl ashes
with the engine running.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.

22 -
Battery charge warning
This comes on for a few sec-
onds when the ignition is
switched on. Illumination of this warn-
ing lamp, when the engine is running,
accompanied by an audible signal
and the message
"Battery charge
fault" in the screen, indicates one of
the following:
malfunction of the charging circuit,
loose battery or starter terminals,
a cut or loose alternator belt,
an alternator failure.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Emission control
system warning lamp
This comes on for a few
seconds each time the igni-
tion is switched on.
If it comes on with the engine running,
accompanied by an audible signal
and the message in the screen:
"Antipollution fault", this indi-
cates a fault with the emission
control system.
"Catalytic converter fault", this
indicates a fault with the injection
or ignition system. There is a risk of
damage to the catalytic converter
(petrol engine only).
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Diesel engine
pre-heater warning
Wait until the warning lamp goes out
before starting the engine.
If the temperature is high enough,
the warning lamp comes on for less
than one second. You can start the
engine without waiting.
Low fuel level
warning lamp
This comes on for a few
seconds when the igni-
tion is switched on.
When the ignition is on, it is accom-
panied by an audible signal and the
"Fuel level low" in the
If it fl ashes with the fuel gauge nee-
dle in the lowest position, when the
ignition is on, this indicates a fault
with the fuel gauge.
When this warning lamp comes on,
you have enough fuel left to drive ap-
proximately 30 miles (50 km) .
Capacity of the tank:
- approximately 55 litres for petrol
- approximately 60 litres for Diesel
Water in Diesel filter
warning lamp *
There is a risk of damage to the in-
jection system.
Contact a CITROËN dealer as soon
as possible.
Anti-lock braking
system (ABS) warning
This comes on for a few seconds each
time the ignition is switched on.
If the warning lamp remains on or
comes on above 8 mph (12 km/h),
this indicates an ABS fault.
However, the vehicle retains conven-
tional servo-assisted braking.
Illumination of this warning lamp,
accompanied by an audible signal
and the message "ABS fault" in the
screen, indicates an ABS fault.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
* According to country.

Seat belt not fastened
warning lamp *
When the ignition is switched
on, this warning lamp comes
on if the driver has not fastened their
seat belt.
Above 12 mph (20 km/h), the warn-
ing lamp fl ashes for two minutes.
Once the two minutes have elapsed,
the warning lamp remains on until
the driver fastens their seat belt.
Coolant temperature indicator
- needle in zone (A) , the tempera-
ture is correct,
- needle in zone (B) , the tempera-
ture is too high. The central STOP
warning light fl ashes, accompa-
nied by an audible signal and the
message "Engine coolant temp.
too high" on the display.
You must stop.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
* According to country.
Passenger's airbag
deactivated warning
lamp *
Illumination of this warning lamp
is accompanied by the message
"Passenger airbag deactivated" in
the screen.
If the passenger's airbag is deacti-
vated, the warning lamp comes on
when the ignition is switched on and
it remains on.
Always consult a CITROËN dealer if
the warning lamp fl ashes.
Front and lateral
airbags warning lamp
This comes on for a few sec-
onds when the ignition is
switched on.
With the engine running, illumination
of this warning lamp accompanied by
an audible signal and the message
"Airbag fault" in the multifunction
screen, indicates a fault with the air-
Consult a CITROËN dealer.

24 -
Service indicator
This is a visual reminder of when the
next service is due. This service is to
be carried out according to the manu-
facturer's servicing schedule.
5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the total distance re-
corder resumes normal operation
and the screen shows the total or trip
The distance remaining before the
next service is less than 1 000 km
(600 miles).
Example: 900 km (560 miles) remain
before the next service is due.
When switching on the ignition and
for 5 seconds, the screen shows:
5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the total distance re-
corder resumes normal operation
and the symbol remains on.
This indicates that a service should
be carried out shortly. The screen
shows the total or trip distances.
The service is overdue.
Each time the ignition is switched on
and for 5 seconds, the symbol and
the excess distance fl ash.
Example: the service is overdue
by 300 km (186 miles). The service
should be carried out very shortly.
When the ignition is switched on and
for 5 seconds, the display shows:
5 seconds after the ignition is switched
on, the total distance recorder resumes
normal operation and the symbol re-
mains on. The screen shows the total
or trip distances.
Note: the spanner comes on if the
two-year interval has been exceeded.
After switching on the ignition, three
functions are shown in succession:
- service
engine oil level indicator,
- total distance recorder/total and
trip distances.
Note : the total and trip distances are
displayed for 30 seconds when the
ignition is switched off, on opening
the driver's door, as well as on lock-
ing and unlocking the vehicle.
Example: 4 800 km (2 980 miles) re-
main before the next service is due.
When the ignition comes on and for
5 seconds the display shows:
As soon as the ignition is switched on
and for 5 seconds, the spanner sym-
bolising ''service operation'' comes
on. The trip recorder display shows
the distance remaining (in round fi g-
ures) before the next service.

Engine oil level indicator
When the ignition is switched on,
the engine oil level is indicated for
approximately 10 seconds, after the
service information.
Flashing of the six squares and the
display of "max" indicate that the oil
level is too high, which could damage
the engine.
If the excess oil is confi rmed by a
check using the dipstick, contact a
CITROËN dealer without delay.
CITROËN dealer carries out
this operation after each service.
The reset procedure is as follows:
Switch off the ignition.
Press and hold button 1 .
Switch on the ignition.
The display begins a 10
Keep button 1 pressed for 10 sec-
The display shows [=0] and the span-
ner disappears.
Flashing of the six bars and the dis-
play of "min" indicate that the oil level
is too low, which could damage the
If the lack of oil is confi rmed by a
check using the dipstick, it is essential
that the level is topped up.
Flashing of the six bars indicates a
malfunction of the oil level indicator.
There is a risk of damage to the engine.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
The level read on the dipstick or on
the indicator will only be correct if
the vehicle is on level ground and
the engine has been off for more
than 30 minutes.
Resetting the service indicator
Oil level too high
Oil level too low
Oil level indicator fault

26 -
Briefl y pressing button
1 alternates
between the total and trip distance
To reset the trip recorder to zero,
when it is displayed press button 1
until zeros appear.
Total distance recorder
With the lights on, press the button
to vary the intensity of the lighting of
the instruments and controls. When
the lighting reaches the minimum (or
maximum) setting, release the button
then press it again to increase (or re-
duce) the brightness.
As soon as the lighting is of the re-
quired brightness, release the button.
Button 1 : hour adjustment
Button 2 : minute adjustment
Press and hold the button for rapid

This displays the following information:
- the
- the
the audio system displays,
a door check (e.g.: ''left front door
- warning messages (e.g.: ''remote
control battery fl at'') or information
messages (e.g.: ''economy mode
active''), displayed temporarily.
Adjusting the parameters display A
Press and hold button
A for two
seconds to access the settings; the
data fl ashes, indicating it is ready to
be modifi ed.
Then, each press of button A scrolls
through the various data in the follow-
ing order:
language of information displayed,
hours (12 then 24 hour mode),
- minutes,
- year,
- month,
- day.
Pressing button B alters the value of
the parameter selected. Press and
hold for rapid advance (return to start
after the last possible value).
After 7 seconds with no action, the
standard display returns; the modifi ed
data is now recorded.

28 -

1. Windscreen de-icing or
demisting vents.
2. Front window de-icing or
demisting vents.
3. Side vents.
4. Centre vents.
5. Air outlets to front footwells.
The air conditioning system does not
contain chlorine and does not pres-
ent any danger to the ozone layer.
Operate the air conditioning system
for 5 to 10 minutes, once or twice a
month, to keep it in perfect working
The water created by the air condi-
tioning condensation is discharged
via an opening provided for this pur-
pose. Therefore, a puddle of water
may form underneath the vehicle
when stationary.
If the system does not produce
cold air, do not use it and contact a
CITROËN dealer.
De-icing the rear windows and
With the engine running, pressing
the control de-ices the rear windows
and mirrors.
It switches off automatically after ap-
proximately twelve minutes.
Pressing the control again switch-
es the de-icing system on again for
twelve minutes.
It is possible to switch off the de-ic-
ing by pressing the control before the
twelve minutes have elapsed.
Advice on operation
Select the air distribution most suited
to your requirements and the climatic
Gradually adjust the temperature
setting for your comfort.
Position the air control in the ''Outside
Air'' position.
For perfectly even air distribution,
take care not to obstruct the exterior
air intake grille and the vents. Check
that the passenger compartment fi l-
ter is in good condition.
When the engine is cold, to prevent
too great a distribution of cold air, the
ventilation will increase to its opti-
mum level gradually.
In order to be effective, the air condi-
tioning ( A/C button), should only be
used with the windows closed.
If the interior temperature remains
very high following a prolonged period
parked in the sun, do not hesitate to
ventilate the passenger compartment
for a few minutes.

30 -
Intake of exterior air.
Turn the control from posi-
tion 1 to position 4 to obtain
an air fl ow suffi cient to en-
sure your comfort.
2. Air fl ow adjustment and air
intake control
Turn the control from posi-
tion 1 to position 4 to obtain
an air fl ow suffi cient to en-
sure your comfort.
As soon as possible, position the
control in the exterior air intake po-
sition to prevent the formation of
mist on the windows.
This is the normal operating position.
Passenger compartment isolation.
This position prevents exterior odours
and smoke entering the passenger
1. Air fl ow adjustment