BMW 3.0i Roadster (2003 year). Instruction - part 4

Special operating instructions
Special operating instructions
Break-in procedures
To ensure that your vehicle provides maxi-
mum economy throughout a long service
life, we request that you observe the fol-
Engine and differential
Up to 1,250 miles / 2,000 km:
Drive at varying engine and road speeds,
but do not exceed the following engine or
road speed:
4,500/min or 100 mph / 160 km/h:
Obey your local and state maximum speed
Refrain from using full throttle and avoid
pressing the accelerator beyond the kick-
down point.
After you have driven 1,250 miles /
2,000 km, you can gradually increase the
engine or road speeds.
You should also comply with these break-in
procedures if the engine or differential is
replaced later in the course of the vehicle's
service life.
Due to technical factors associated with
their manufacture, tires do not achieve their
full traction potential until an initial break-in
period has elapsed. You should therefore
drive with extra caution during the first
200 miles / 300 km.
Obey your local and state maximum speed
When the vehicle is operated on wet
or slushy roads, a wedge of water
may form between the tire and the road
surface. This phenomenon is referred to as
hydroplaning and can lead to partial or
complete loss of traction, vehicle control
and braking effectiveness. Reduce your
speed on wet roads.
Brake system
Approx. 300 miles / 500 km must elapse
before the brake pads and rotors achieve
their optimal surface and wear pattern.
To break in the separate parking brake
drums, apply the parking brake lightly when
coasting to a standstill – at a traffic signal,
for instance; use caution to avoid posing a
danger to other road users.
To avoid corrosion, repeat this procedure
from time to time.
The brake lamps do not come on when the
parking brake is set.
Vacuum for the brake system servo
unit on your BMW is available only
when the engine is running. When you
move the car with the engine off – e.g., by
towing – substantially higher levels of pedal
force will be required to brake the vehicle.
The clutch will achieve its optimal function-
ality after approx. 300 miles / 500 km. Shift
gears carefully during the break-in period.

At a glance
Driving tips
Driving notes
Parking the vehicle
Condensation forms in the air conditioner
system during operation, which then exits
under the vehicle. Traces of condensed
water on the ground underneath the vehi-
cle are thus normal.
Do not drive with your foot resting on
the brake pedal. Even light but con-
sistent pedal pressure can lead to high
temperatures, brake wear and possibly
even brake failure.
When driving on wet or slushy roads,
reduce vehicle speed. If you do not, a
wedge of water may form between the tires
and the road surface. This phenomenon
can lead to partial or complete loss of trac-
tion, vehicle control and braking effective-
Driving through water
Do not drive through water on the
road if it is deeper than 1 ft / 30 cm,
and then only at walking speed. Otherwise,
the vehicle's engine, the electrical systems
and the transmission may be damaged.
High temperatures
High temperatures occur with every
vehicle equipped with a catalytic con-
verter. Heat shields are installed adjacent to
some sections of the exhaust system. Never
remove these shields; do not apply under-
coating to their surfaces. When driving,
standing at idle and parking the vehicle,
take care to avoid contact between the hot
exhaust system and flammable materials –
e.g. hay, leaves, grass, etc. Such contact
could lead to a fire, resulting in serious per-
sonal injury and property damage.
Brake system
The brake warning lamp lights up
although the parking brake is not
engaged: check the brake fluid
level. It is very important that you follow the
instructions on page
before driving on.
Disc brakes
Limited vehicle use, extended periods with
the vehicle parked or in storage, and oper-
ating conditions in which braking is
restricted to gentle, low-pressure applica-
tions will all increase the tendency for cor-
rosion to form on the rotors and contamina-
tion to accumulate on the brake pads. This
occurs because the minimal pressure
which must be exerted by the pads to clean
the rotors by brake applications is not
If the brake rotors are corroded, they will
tend to respond to braking with a pulsating
effect which even extended application will
fail to cure.
Wet roads
When driving in heavy rain and on wet
roads, it is useful to apply light pressure
to the brake pedal every few miles. Watch
traffic conditions to ensure that this maneu-
ver does not endanger other road users.
The heat generated in this process helps
dry the pads and rotors to ensure that your
brake system will respond with undimin-
ished efficiency when you need it.
Extended or steep mountain descents
should be driven in the gear or drive posi-
tion in which only minimal periodic brake
application is required. This helps avoid
placing excessive loads on the brake sys-
tem. Observe the maximum allowable
engine speed when doing so; refer to
Do not coast with the clutch
depressed or with the transmission or
selector lever in Neutral. Do not coast with

Special operating instructions
the engine switched off. Otherwise the
engine provides no braking effect and there
is no power-assist for braking or steering
when the engine is off.
Brake pads
The yellow indicator lamp for the
brake pads lights up:
Have the condition of the brake
pads inspected.
For your own safety: use brake pads
which the manufacturer has approved
for your specific vehicle model. The manu-
facturer cannot evaluate non-approved
brake pads to determine if they are suitable
for use, and therefore cannot ensure the
operating safety of the vehicle in the event
of their use.
Cargo loading
Stowing cargo
Load heavy cargo as far forward as
possible – directly behind the luggage
compartment partition – and as low as
Cover sharp edges and corners.
With the convertible top closed, you
can increase the space in your lug-
gage compartment. Refer to page
We recommend that you always fold the
convertible top compartment panel down
as soon as you have removed your cargo
from the luggage compartment. This way,
you can be sure that you can always oper-
ate the convertible top at any time.
Conversely, when the convertible top is
closed, raise the convertible top compart-
ment panel before stowing your cargo in
the luggage compartment to avoid any
damage to the convertible top compart-
ment or your load.
If you stow cargo behind the seats of your
BMW Z4 roadster:
Only stow light objects such as cloth-
ing, etc.
Do not pile objects higher than the top
edge of the backrests.
To avoid damaging the rear of the
backrest or the rear interior trim
panel, do not stow heavy cargo or cargo
with sharp edges and corners behind the
In addition, large and bulky cargo stowed
behind the seats may prevent the backrest
from engaging properly. Ensure that the
backrest is securely locked by moving the
seat forward if necessary. Refer to
Always position and secure the load
correctly. If you do not, it can endan-
ger the passengers during braking or eva-
sive maneuvers.
Do not exceed the approved gross vehicle
weight or the specified maximum axle
loads. Refer to page
. Otherwise the
vehicle's operating safety is no longer
assured and you are in violation of the law.
Do not stow heavy or hard objects in the
passenger compartment without first
securing them. Otherwise they would be
thrown around during braking and evasive
maneuvers and would endanger the occu-

At a glance
Driving tips
Hardtop preparation*
Pull covers off; see arrow
The brackets for attaching the hardtop
are located underneath the covers; see
For instructions on how to install the
hardtop, please read the accompany-
ing assembly information.
The hardtop is available from your
BMW center as a special option.

Fuel filler door
Open fuel filler door
Turn the filler cap in a counter-clock-
wise direction
Place the filler cap in the bracket on the
filler door.
Releasing manually
If an electrical malfunction occurs, you can
unlock the fuel filler door manually.
Remove the covers of the tail lamps by
turning the lock to the right; refer also to
page 87
Pull the luggage compartment trim
panel slightly toward the interior.
The green button with the fuel pump
symbol is revealed
Undo the adhesive strip and pull off
Pull on the knob
Fuel filler cap is released.
Fuel gas cap
Close the gas cap carefully after refu-
eling until a "click" is heard. While
closing, be sure not to squeeze the strap
which is fastened to the cap. A loose or
missing cap will activate the "Check gas
cap" lamp.
Check gas cap
This indicator lamp comes on when
the fuel gas cap is loose or missing.
Close the gas cap tightly as described
Tank capacity: approx. 14.5 gallons /
55 liters, of which approx. 2.1 gallons /
8 liters are reserve capacity.
Simple and environmentally friendly
When handling fuels, comply with all
of the applicable safety precautions
posted at the service station.
When refueling, insert the filler nozzle com-
pletely into the filler pipe. Pulling the nozzle
out of the pipe during refueling
results in premature shutoff
and will reduce the effect of the vapor
recovery system on the pump.
The fuel tank is full when the filler nozzle
shuts off the first time.
Fill the fuel tank before it is com-
pletely empty. Driving to the last drop
of fuel can prevent the engine from operat-
ing properly and result in damage.
Fuel specifications
The engine uses lead-free gasoline only.
Required fuel:
Premium Unleaded Gasoline,
min. 91 AKI.
AKI = Anti Knock Index.
Do not use leaded fuels. The use of
leaded fuels will cause permanent
damage to the system's oxygen sensor and
the catalytic converter.

At a glance
Driving tips
Wheels and tires
Tire inflation pressure
Information for your safety
The factory-approved Run Flat tires are
matched to the vehicle and have been
selected to provide optimum safety and
driving comfort.
It is not merely the tire's service life, but
also driving comfort and – above all else –
driving safety that depend on the condition
of the tires and the maintenance of the
specified tire pressure.
Incorrect tire inflation pressure is a fre-
quent cause of tire damage. It also signifi-
cantly influences the roadholding ability of
your BMW.
Check tire inflation pressures regu-
larly – at least every two weeks and
before every extended journey. If this is not
done, incorrect tire pressures can cause
driving instability or tire damage, ultimately
resulting in accidents.
Checking tire pressures
The specified inflation pressures are pro-
vided on a sticker attached to the B-pillar
and are visible when the driver's door is
All pressures are specified in the units usu-
ally used in your country – psi and kilopas-
cal – for tires at ambient temperatures; also
refer to the following tire inflation pressure
Reinitialize the Flat Tire Monitor after
correcting the tire inflation pressure.
Refer to page
Comply with tire approval
The inflation pressures in the table apply to
BMW-approved tire sizes and tire brands.
Your BMW center will be glad to supply this
information. Other tire brands may require
a higher inflation pressure, which may
impair handling and vehicle response.

Wheels and tires
Z4 roadster 2.5i
Z4 roadster 3.0i
Pressure specifications in psi/kPa
All pressure specifications in the table are
indicated in psi/kilopascal with cold tires –
cold = ambient temperature
225/50 R 16
225/45 R 17
225/40 R 18
245/40 R 17
255/35 R 18
All winter tires
Pressure specifications in psi/kPa
All pressure specifications in the table are
indicated in psi/kilopascal with cold tires –
cold = ambient temperature
225/45 R 17
225/40 R 18
245/40 R 17
255/35 R 18
All winter tires

At a glance
Driving tips
Tire condition
Tire tread – Tire damage
Inspect your tires frequently for tread wear,
signs of damage and for foreign objects
lodged in the tread. Check the tread depth.
Tread depth should not be allowed to go
in / 3 mm, even though in
Europe, for example, the legally specified
minimum tread depth is only
in /
1.6 mm.
Tread wear indicators in the tread-groove
base – see arrow – are distributed around
the wheel circumference and are labeled
on the tire sidewall as TWI – Tread Wear
Indicator. At a tread depth of
in /
1.6 mm, the indicators signal that the
legally permissible wear limit has been
Avoid overloading the vehicle so that
the permitted load on the tires is not
exceeded. Overloading can cause over-
heating and damage inside the tires.
The ultimate result can assume the form of
a sudden air loss.
Unusual vibrations encountered during
normal vehicle operation can indicate tire
failure or some other vehicle malfunction.
This type of problem can be caused by
contact with curbs, etc. This is also true for
irregularities in the vehicle's handling char-
acteristics, such as a pronounced ten-
dency to pull to the left or right. Should this
occur, respond by immediately reducing
your speed. Proceed carefully to the near-
est BMW center or professional tire center,
or have the vehicle towed there to have it
and its wheels or tires inspected.
Tire damage – up to and including sudden
and complete air loss – can pose an
extreme hazard for both vehicle occupants
and other road users.
Tire replacement
To maintain good handling and vehicle
response, use tires of a single tread config-
uration from a single manufacturer.
BMW advises against using retreaded
tires as this could negatively affect
driving safety. This is due to possible varia-
tions in casing structures and, in some
cases, to their extreme age, factors which
can lead to a decrease in their durability.
Tire age
The date on which the tire was manufac-
tured is indicated by the code on the side-
DOT … 3602 indicates that the tire was
manufactured in week 36 of the year 2002.
BMW recommends the replacement of all
tires every 6 years at the latest, even if a tire
usage of 10 years is possible.
Run Flat tires
When replacing tires, always use
Run Flat tires since a spare wheel is
not provided to replace a flat tire.
Run Flat tires are labeled on the sidewall
with a circular symbol containing the letters
RSC. Refer to page
DOT quality grades
Tread wear
Traction AA A B C
Temperature A B C
All passenger car tires must conform
to Federal Safety Requirements in
addition to these grades.
Tread wear
The tread wear grade is a comparative rat-
ing based on the wear rate of the tire when
tested under controlled conditions on a
specified government test course.
For example, a tire graded 150 would wear

Wheels and tires
one and one-half (1
γ) times as well on the
government course as a tire graded 100.
The relative performance of tires depends
upon the actual conditions of their use,
however, and may depart significantly from
the norm due to variations in driving habits,
service practices and differences in road
characteristics and climate.
The traction grades, from highest to lowest,
are AA, A, B and C.
Those grades represent the tire's ability to
stop on wet pavement as measured under
controlled conditions on specified govern-
ment test surfaces of asphalt and concrete.
A tire marked C may have poor traction
The traction grade assigned to this
tire is based on straight-ahead brak-
ing traction tests, and does not include
acceleration, cornering, hydroplaning, or
peak traction characteristics.
The temperature grades are A – the
highest – B, and C, representing the tire's
resistance to the generation of heat and its
ability to dissipate heat when tested under
controlled conditions on a specified indoor
laboratory test wheel.
Sustained high temperature can cause the
material of the tire to degenerate and
reduce tire life, and excessive temperature
can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C
corresponds to a level of performance
which all passenger car tires must meet
under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard No. 109. Grades B and A repre-
sent higher levels of performance on the
laboratory test wheel than the minimum
required by law.
The temperature grade for this tire is
established for a tire that is properly
inflated and not overloaded. Excessive
speed, under-inflation, or excessive load-
ing, either separately or in combination,
can cause heat buildup and possible tire
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Quality grades can be found where appli-
cable on the tire sidewall between tread
shoulder and maximum section width. For
Tread wear 200 Traction AA
Temperature A
Wheel and tire combina-
The right choice
Use wheels and tires approved by
BMW for your particular vehicle. Vari-
ations in factors such as manufacturing tol-
erances mean that even wheels and tires
with identical official size ratings could
actually have dimensions different from the
approved units. These differences could
lead to body contact, and with it the risk of
severe accidents. If non-approved wheels
and tires are used, BMW cannot evaluate
their suitability, and therefore cannot be
held liable for driving safety.
BMW tests certain tire brands for each tire
size, classifies them as road-safe and
approves them. Consult your BMW center
for more information. Observe any country-
specific regulations, e.g. on making a cor-
responding entry in the vehicle documents.
The correct wheel and tire combina-
tion affects different systems such as
ABS, DSC, DTC and DBC. The function of
these systems is impaired if improper
wheel and tire combinations are used.
For this reason, use tires of the same brand
and tread configuration. In the event of a
flat tire, for example, remount the approved
wheel and tire combination as soon as pos-

At a glance
Driving tips
Run Flat tires
Run Flat tires are labeled on the sidewall
with a circular symbol containing the letters
Run Flat tires consist of self-supporting
tires and special rims. The tire reinforce-
ment ensures that the tire retains some
residual safety in the event of pressure
drop and driving remains possible to a
restricted degree.
Because the sides of the Run Flat
tires are reinforced, a drop in inflation
pressure usually cannot be detected from
the outside.
Flat tire
The red warning lamp in the instru-
ment cluster lights up when a tire
has failed. In addition, an acoustic
signal is heard. Refer to pages
Reduce vehicle speed carefully to
under 50 mph / 80 km/h. Avoid hard
brake applications and steering maneu-
Do not exceed 50 mph / 80 km/h again
Find out which tire has been damaged;
to do so, check the tire inflation pres-
sure of all four tires at the earliest
opportunity. Refer to page
Correct the tire inflation pressure if you
wish to continue driving and if it is safe
to do so. Refer to the following section
Have the damaged tires changed by
your BMW center.
BMW recommends that you consult
your BMW center if you wish to
replace the tires of your BMW, or change
from summer to winter tires or vice versa.
Your BMW center knows how to work with
Run Flat tires and is equipped with the nec-
essary special tools.
For safety reasons, do not have Run
Flat tires repaired.
When replacing tires or changing from
summer to winter tires – or vice versa – use
Run Flat tires only since a spare tire will not
be available in the event of a flat tire.
Driving with a damaged tire
When using Run Flat tires, you can con-
tinue driving cautiously at a maximum
speed of 50 mph / 80 km/h, depending on
the cargo load and the extent of tire dam-
You can estimate the distance you can
continue driving on the basis of the follow-
ing values:
Tire inflation pressure of 0 psi / 0 kPa:
approx. 100 miles / 150 km
Tire inflation pressure of 7 –15 psi
50–100 kPa:
approx. 300 miles / 500 km
Tire inflation pressure greater than
15 psi / 100 kPa:
approx. 600 miles / 1,000 km.
Drive cautiously and do not exceed a
speed of 50 mph / 80 km/h. In the
event of pressure loss, changes in handling
characteristics – such as reduced stability
when braking, increased stopping dis-
tance, and altered steering response – may

Wheels and tires
Winter tires
Choosing the right tire
BMW recommends Run Flat winter tires –
M+S – for operation under inclement winter
driving conditions. While all-season tires
with the M+S identification mark do indeed
possess better winter traction than summer
tires that have the H, V, W, Y and ZR speed
ratings, they generally do not provide the
same levels of performance as true winter
In the interests of sure tracking and safe
steering response, mount winter tires
which are made by the same manufacturer
and which have the same tread configura-
tion on all four wheels.
Your BMW is equipped with Run Flat tires.
Please consult your BMW center if you
wish to replace the tires of your BMW or
change from summer to winter tires, or vice
When replacing tires or changing from
summer to winter tires – or vice versa –
use only Run Flat tires since a spare tire will
not be available in the event of a flat tire.
Comply with recommended speed
Never exceed the maximum speed for
which the winter tires are rated.
Unprofessional attempts by laymen to ser-
vice tires can lead to damage and acci-
Have this work performed by skilled pro-
fessionals only. Any BMW center has the
required technical knowledge and the
proper equipment and will be happy to
assist you.
Tire condition, tire pressure
Once the tire wears to below
in /
4 mm, winter tires display a perceptible
decrease in their ability to cope with winter
driving conditions, and should be replaced
in the interest of safety.
Comply with the specified tire inflation
pressures – and be sure to have the wheel
and tire assemblies balanced every time
you change the tires.
Store tires in a cool, dry place, protecting
them against light whenever possible. Pro-
tect the tires from contact with oil, grease
and fuel.
Snow chains*
Only certain types of snow chains have
been tested by BMW, classified as road-
safe and approved. Consult your BMW
center for more information. BMW recom-
mends using only approved fine-link snow
Their use is only permitted in pairs on the
winter tires on the rear wheels. Comply
with all manufacturer's safety precautions
when mounting the chains.
You cannot mount snow chains on the fol-
lowing tires:
245/40 R 17
255/35 R 18
Do not exceed a speed of 30 mph /
50 km/h when using snow chains.
Do not initialize the Flat Tire Monitor
after snow chains have been
When driving with snow chains, it may be
useful to deactivate the DSC briefly. Refer
to page

At a glance
Driving tips
In the engine compartment
To release the hood
Pull the lever located under the left-hand
side of the instrument panel.
Do not work on your vehicle without
the appropriate skills to do so. Failure
to work in an informed, professional man-
ner when servicing components and mate-
rials constitutes a safety hazard for vehicle
occupants and other road users. If you are
not familiar with the guidelines, please
have the operations performed by a BMW
To open
Reach under the engine hood
Push the release handle up
Open the hood.
To close
Allow the hood to fall from a low height and
push on both sides so that it audibly
To avoid injuries, be sure that the
travel path of the hood is clear when it
is closed, as with all closing procedures.
If you notice while driving that the hood is
not completely closed, stop immediately
and close it securely.

In the engine compartment
Engine compartment
Reservoir for headlamp and
washer system
Engine oil filler neck
Auxiliary terminal for jump-starting
Reservoir for brake fluid
Chassis ground – negative terminal
Engine oil dipstick
Coolant expansion tank

At a glance
Driving tips
Washer fluids for washer
Headlamp* and windshield washer
Capacity of windshield washer system:
approx. 3.2 US quarts / 3 liters.
Capacity when equipped with headlamp
washer system: approx. 5.3 US quarts /
5 liters.
Fill with water and – if required – with an
antifreeze agent according to the manufac-
turer's recommendations.
We recommend that you mix the
washer fluid before adding it to the
Antifreeze agent for the washer sys-
tems is flammable. For this reason,
keep it away from sources of flame and
store it only in its original container. Store it
so that it is inaccessible to children. Com-
ply with the instructions on the contain-
Engine oil
Engine oil pressure
The red engine oil warning lamp
lights up:
Stop the vehicle immediately and
switch off the engine. Check the engine oil
level and top off as required. If the oil level
is correct, please contact the nearest BMW
Do not continue driving, as the engine
could sustain serious damage from
inadequate lubrication.
Engine oil level
The yellow engine oil indicator lamp
lights up while driving:
The oil level is at the absolute mini-
mum; refill as soon as possible. Do not
drive more than approx. 30 miles / 50 km
until you do.
The yellow engine oil indicator lamp
lights up after the engine is
switched off: add engine oil at the
earliest opportunity, when you stop to
Engine oil sensor
The yellow engine oil indicator lamp
lights up within 20 seconds after
the engine is started:
The oil level sensor is defective. Please
have it checked by a BMW center.
Checking the oil level
Park the vehicle on a level surface
Switch the engine off after it has
reached normal operating temperature
After approx. 5 minutes, pull the dip-
stick out and wipe it off with a clean lint-
free cloth, paper towel, or similar mate-
Carefully push the dipstick all the way
into the guide tube and pull it out again
The oil level should be between the two
marks on the dipstick
Return the dipstick to the guide tube,
inserting it as far as it will go.
As with fuel economy, oil consumption is
directly influenced by your driving style and
vehicle operating conditions.

In the engine compartment
The oil volume between the two marks on
the dipstick corresponds to approx.
1.1 US quarts / 1 liter. Do not fill beyond
the upper mark on the dipstick. Excess oil
will damage the engine.
Adding engine oil
While you should wait until the level has
dropped to just above the lower mark
before adding oil, you should never allow
the oil level to fall below this mark.
BMW engines are designed to oper-
ate without oil additives; the use of
additives could even lead to damage in
some cases. This also applies to manual
and automatic transmissions and to the dif-
Continuous exposure to used oil has
caused cancer in laboratory tests. For
this reason, thoroughly wash any areas of
skin that come into contact with oil using
soap and water.
Always store oils, grease and similar mate-
rials so that they are inaccessible to chil-
dren. Comply with warning labels and the
information on the containers.
Comply with the applicable environ-
mental laws regulating the disposal of
used oil.
Approved engine oils
The quality of the engine oil is extremely
important for the function and life of an
engine. Based on extensive testing, BMW
has approved certain grades of engine oil.
Use approved "BMW High Performance
Synthetic Oil".
If you are unable to obtain an approved
BMW High Performance Synthetic Oil, you
may use small volumes of other synthetic
oils for topping up between oil changes.
Use only oils with the specification API SH
or higher.
Ask your BMW center for details con-
cerning the specific BMW High Per-
formance Synthetic Oil or synthetic oils that
have been approved.
You can also call BMW of North America
toll-free at 1-800-831-1117 or visit this
website: to obtain this
The yellow coolant indicator lamp
lights up:
The coolant level is too low: top up
as soon as possible.
Do not add coolant to the cooling sys-
tem when the engine is hot. If you do,
escaping coolant can cause burns.
Antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents are
hazardous to health. You should always
store them in their original containers and
in a location inaccessible to children.
Antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents are
flammable. For this reason, do not spill
them on hot engine parts. They could ignite
and cause burns. Comply with the instruc-
tions on the containers.
Checking the coolant level
Correct coolant level when the engine is
cold – at approx. 68
7 / 206:
Open the cap of the expansion tank by
turning it slightly counterclockwise to

At a glance
Driving tips
allow accumulated pressure to escape,
then open completely
The coolant level is correct when the
upper end of the red float is at least
even with the upper edge of the filler
neck but no more than
ι in / 2 cm
above it, that is, up to the second mark
on the float. Refer also to the schematic
diagram next to the filler neck
If necessary, add coolant. Slowly add
coolant until the correct level is reached
– do not overfill.
Comply with the applicable environ-
mental laws regulating the disposal of
extended-duty antifreeze with corrosion
Brake fluid
Indicator lamp
The brake warning lamp lights up
red when the parking brake is not
engaged: the brake fluid level is too
low, refer to page
Brake warning lamp for Canadian
Brake fluid, refilling
Brake fluid loss may result in extended
brake pedal travel. If this occurs, also refer
to the notes on page
Brake fluid is hygroscopic, that is, it
absorbs moisture from the air over
In order to ensure the brake system's
safety and reliability, have the brake fluid
changed every two years by a BMW center.
Refer also to page
and the Service Man-
Brake fluid is toxic and damages the vehi-
cle's paint. You should always store it in the
closed original container and in a location
inaccessible to children.
Do not spill the fluid and do not fill the brake
fluid reservoir beyond the MAX mark. The
brake fluid could ignite upon contact with
hot engine parts and cause serious
Comply with the applicable environ-
mental laws regulating the disposal of
brake fluid.
Brake fluid level
Low brake fluid level in the reservoir com-
bined with extended pedal travel may indi-
cate a defect in one of the brake system's
hydraulic circuits.
BMW recommends that you proceed
to the nearest BMW center. Higher
brake application pressure may be neces-
sary under these conditions, and braking
distances may be significantly longer.
Please remember to adapt your driving
style accordingly.